Auspicious Signs of North Direction Will Increase Prosperity In The House

north direction

Auspicious Signs of North Direction Will Increase Prosperity In The House

Free Astrology tips Oct 14, 2021 No Comments

The whole principle of Vastu Shastra is based on energy. Positive and negative energies affect the whole life of the people living in that house. The people living in the house where there is more flow of positive energy remain happy, happy and healthy. Prosperity resides in that house and there is immense love among the members of the family. On the contrary, in the house where there is more flow of negative energy, there are always fights and disputes in the house, estrangement among family members, money crunch, diseases. So what should be done so that there is always a flow of positive energy in the house and prosperity resides in that house by consulting powerful vashikaran specialist.

Let’s know the answer in Vastu Shastra,

North-East and East are considered to be the most positive directions. The north direction is also said to be the direction of the gods and Lakshmi resides in this direction. The flow of positive energy from this direction can be increased in the house by placing some things, some auspicious signs etc. in the north direction of the house. Always keep the north direction clean. Old items, broken furniture, broken glass, heavy and damaged electronics items should not be kept in this direction. It is better if the north side of the house is empty. Beautiful flowering trees and plants can be planted in it. This will increase positive energy. If a house is built in the north direction of the house, then the room facing north should put pictures of Ganesh, Lakshmi and Kuber on the north wall of that room.

According to astrology consultancy green color on the northern wall of the house strengthens the financial condition. If you are placing a wall clock on the north wall, then keep in mind that it should be pendulum and its pendulum should never stop. Sometimes the pendulum fails and it doesn’t work. If it gets damaged, get it repaired immediately. Putting the picture of Panchmukhi Hanumanji on the northern wall removes all the obstacles. There is no disease in the family and it is protected from evil eyes.